friend got angry at me with a small stupid thing. But i don't think i'm wrong?

2015-07-31 12:59 pm
so i have this friend who always tell me about how every single guy walking past us is staring at her, smiling at her, and is in love with her. And that they are all pervert. Well today, she did it again and i was like oh please, so if a guy looked at me when i was walking does that mean he's in love with me? no! and we went into a little argument with me trying to tell her that she's thinking too much and her trying to tell me that i don't understand. End up we got into a fight. I didn't want to fight, i just want to be real and tell her what i think. And i don't think i'm wrong, but what should i do now?

回答 (1)

2015-07-31 1:23 pm
apologize and say that you didn't mean to upset her.
some people are more senstive and you cant say things that way/
but tell her your opinion in a kinder way

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