
2015-08-01 2:43 am
"That's why Zimperium is now going public with the news."

And, what do the mean of the words "going" in this sentence please?

回答 (4)

2015-08-01 9:21 pm
✔ 最佳答案

翻譯句子"That's why Zimperium( a cybersecurity company) is now going public with the news."

Meaning of the words "going public" in this sentence: revealing to the public向公眾揭露

2015-08-03 18:47:21 補充:
la, your choice of best answer for https://hk.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/question?qid=7015073100052
is completely wrong and ridiculous.
2015-08-04 1:48 am
Thank you.
2015-08-01 4:42 am
going public=concerning people in general;The public opinion on what most people think is on the Stock Market etc.as an eg.
2015-08-01 2:59 am
"going public"



2015-08-05 17:16:25 補充:



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