Condoms for thick penises (anything bigger than Trojan Magnum XL?)?

2015-07-30 7:07 pm
My boyfriend and I have been having sex for 4 months with condoms but more than half of the times he can't *** coz the condoms are too tight. He has been using Trojan Magnum XL but he needs to put it on when the penis is half flaccid. Putting on a condom is really really painful for him (he's growling in agony every time) I know a regular condom can be put on an arm but whether it is painful is another question. He doesn't want me to be on birth control neither. Where can I buy condoms bigger (thicker) than Trojan Magnum XL? We're in Hong Kong and Asians are known for having small penises. We went to sex shops for help but no one believed him. We're willing to pay for higher shipping fee as long as he can find condoms that fit him. Please help! Thank you!

回答 (10)

2017-01-28 11:21 pm
參考: Ejaculating too quickly
2016-06-28 2:28 am
Natural Penis Enlargement Guide -
2016-05-22 11:24 am
參考: Three Times Bigger Penis :
2015-07-31 5:49 pm
He should stop putting too small condoms on his penis. That can't be healthy.

For all those women who think their bf is endowed and he isn't really

Common problem with condoms, from a page explaining problems with condoms:

Problem: The Condom is too Tight - "I can't feel anything during sex"

AFFECTS: 10-15% of men

CAUSE: the condom is too narrow, so it has to stretch too much to fit the penis. This excessive stretching force causes a feeling of tightness and discomfort.

ISSUES: erection-loss may occur and orgasm may be difficult or impossible to achieve. In extreme cases a red or purple mark may be left in the flesh. Many men who complain they "can't feel anything" when wearing a condom, are wearing a condom that is too tight for them. It's why using a supposedly thinner latex condom doesn't fix the issue - the condom is still too narrow, and the tightness remains.

SOLUTION: use the correct width (wider) of condom - click here to get fitted correctly.

So it is one thing to have a long thin penis and it's another to have 7 inches of thick penis pressed by rubber that pulls on your foreskin.

Maybe some of you have never seen an intact penis, let alone had sex with one...
2015-07-31 1:41 am
I'm honestly well endowed myself and have had the same problem. The soution I came up with is to cover my penis with artificial lubricant and then put the condom on, always works.
2015-07-30 7:48 pm
Not sure he will find any-- Magnum XL is 30% larger than regular condoms, Durex XXL is only 25% larger than regular condoms so sounds like they are actually smaller than Magnum XL. May have to go with a female condom and see if that works.
2015-07-30 7:38 pm
BS -- he is just trying to get you to let him go bareback.
2015-07-30 7:30 pm
You'll probably have to check online for that. This one claims it's a little wider than what you're using:
2015-07-30 7:26 pm
That sounds like bull s*** to me. I'm not trying to be rude but his penis would have to be the size of your head for a condom to be squeezing it enough to cause physical pain. It sounds like he just doesn't want to wear a condom. And it isn't his choice as to whether or not you should be on birth control. You need to take charge of your own body and do what you need to do to be protected. If he is going to complain about a condom supposedly hurting because it is too tight then he needs to accept that you taking birth control is the only other option. That or stop having sex because unprotected sex equals pregnancy.
參考: My boyfriend is extremely well endowed and he helped with this post
2015-07-30 7:10 pm
Yeah its called saran wrap.

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