What is causing my girlfriend's weight gain?

2015-07-29 9:13 pm
She's been on birth control for well over a year now and has all of a sudden gained about 10 pounds in around 2 weeks. Her dad has hypothyroidism, so it could be that. Could it be the birth control causing weight gain, or the birth control causing thyroid problems, or is it her developing hypothyroidism? Thanks!

回答 (2)

2015-07-29 9:21 pm
Most likely it is her birth control. Most studies on it say it doesnt but certain women and way their body is the birth control can make her gain weight. She can help keeping it steady by walking and eating some what healthy to keep from more weight being put on. I hope this helps! Do some research on what can help
2015-07-29 9:19 pm
Food, lack of exercise, large tumor.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 12:02:49
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