I don't want to be average but I know I'll end up being average!?

2015-07-29 8:44 pm
I'm 19 and have no talents or passions and after having a long think with myself I know that I am going to be average, in an average 9-5 job on close to minimum wage for the rest of my life. I want to be successful and be a multimillionaire but I have no talents or passions that will help my true work ethic appear and get me to my ultimate life goal. Everyone says that you won't work a day in your life if you enjoy it but there is nothing that I enjoy enough to do for the rest of my life.

I have a place on a 1 year foundation degree in Engineering leading to a full degree starting in September although I am awful at Maths and fear I will struggle! I'm only thinking of going just to get my parents off my back and it being my only option. I really regret not working harder in my GCSE's and feel that I've ruined my career prospects and life goals because of this.

I don't really have a question just looking for some motivation and tips from people who have been stuck in their lives but have managed to turn things around. Thank you for reading this far, it means a lot.

回答 (4)

2015-07-30 12:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
It doesn't always take a piece of paper to tell you what you're good at. I have no qualifications at all and at the age of 23 I employ 12 people and have very successful business that I started myself with no prior knowledge of the industry..

Head up. Don't let you negative thoughts get the better of you. Be constructive and work on what you CAN do to better yourself rather than what you could have done..
2015-07-29 8:51 pm
You haven't messed anything up. GCSE's don't mean much anyway - you've got the Engineering course going for you which is good. As for the Maths - there's many resources on-line to help you with it - Learn the basics from Khan academy videos and you'll be fine. Set up a study schedule and adapt it if you need to; this way you'll never fall behind on work. The work will get hard soon so be ready for it - You haven't TOO much catching up to do in Maths but you should start now.
2015-07-30 4:50 pm
Ari Onassis was not anyone special, yet became very very rich.
2015-07-29 8:48 pm
You will grow. 19 is young. What do you want to do. Any interests at all.

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