What happens if I don't get all my math credits in highschool?

2015-07-29 8:59 am
I'm seriously illiterate in math, due to never being taught math in a younger age, see my dad was never around and my mom would sleep all the time, (drugs, aha.) I never had anyone to teach me the basic math, so numbers just look completely messy to me. I know my basic adding and subtracting, but definitely not division and multiplication. I'm going to be going into 9th grade this year in September, and my grandmother (who I've been living with since I was around 7,) says that I need math credits or I can never graduate highschool. I know for a fact that I can't get these credits, because math is so incredibly hard for me. Every other subject though, I can pass with ease. Usually scoring an A, B, or C. Math though, was always an F. So, what happens if I can't get the math credits I need? Will I be held back in 9th grade until I somehow miraculously can get the credits? Would they hold me back for failing one class? Any answers would be greatly appreciated. Also, I'm not going to college, that would be impossible for me and my lack of intelligence. Some people just weren't meant for college, so, don't judge.

回答 (3)

2015-07-29 10:15 am
✔ 最佳答案
If you fail a math course you have to retake it until you pass it. If you can not pass you can not graduate. Your teacher and tutors should help. Depending on state requirements your school
usually you begin 9th grade with Algebra (normal) or pre-algebra (behind)
10 geometry or algebra
11 algebra 2 or geometry
12 advanced course or algebra 2

Here if you pass algebra 2 as a senior you still graduate. Keep in mind that if you plan to attend college you need College Algebra 101 which is Algebra 1 & 2

Also if the student passes 3 years they can take "math works" which is just basic life tools in math like learning how to tip, how to calculate bills, etc.

Usually if a student does not pass or they fail the standardized math exam they get placed in "math lab" where they practice problems and get a tutor
參考: Good luck, I hope you pass!
2015-07-29 10:44 pm
Well there is no reason not to pass unless you don't plan on going into summer school. I failed my second semester of geometry and took it for summer school and got my missing credit. I graduated on time.
2015-07-29 9:42 am
Here u do not graduate - simple.
ask local adults for actual local info as it varies greatly

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