
2015-07-30 1:00 am
本人在新西蘭就讀year 13,選修科目有ESOL,economic, accounting, statistics, calculus,而自己想起新西蘭考完個高考(NCQA)拎埋個成績然後番香港考IETLS 先,睇下自己英文水平去到邊,然後用半年時間讀IETLS課程,六月到就再考多次IETLS拎黎入香港U既商科讀會計,但最大問題係自己英文一般般,而今年會計測驗吾合格,但仲有兩次考試佔分夠重,而新西蘭係學分制,自己預既分數都只夠新西蘭大學既最低要求

Q2: 回流香港考U係咪易啲?競爭大?
Q3: 邊間大學會好啲?(係咪好難入?)

希望高手指點,比一比意見 :)

回答 (4)

2015-07-30 9:36 pm


香港大學最好是港大/中大/科大, 當中以會計最好的是科大,但其實3間差不多,不過唔洗講一定難入.

如果你真系想回港讀書但又入唔到資助大學,咁你可以選讀ASSO/HD課程,為期2年,如果你2年後GPA成績有3.6以上(最好是3.8以上,而最高分4),就有機會再考回資助大學,但不一定成功,如果冇咁高分,就可選升讀自資大學修讀餘下的2年, 畢業後就等同大學DEGREE.

注 : 如你只有IETLS成績是沒有用的,就算你高分,大學也不會只看你英文一科,否則香港學生就不用那麼辛苦,在香港讀大學是要看整體成績,我可以咁講,你在新西蘭入大學一定比回港易極多.
2015-07-30 4:07 am
1. It does not work like this.

Hong Kong follows New Zealand's standard. In other word, you must achieve NCEA Level 3 with 14 credits from each approved subjects (total: 3). You must also pass NCEA Level 1 for numeracy.

Once you have reached certain score in IELTS, your score does not matter. For example, if 6 meets the admission requirement, then getting 8 will not improve your chance.

2. Yes in an interesting way (as most people can perform better without the pressure). It depends on the choice of programs.

3. Again - it does not work like this. You pick what you want to study first, then find the school that has the program.

4. Actually, your chance for higher education in New Zealand is way higher than in Hong Kong. Except for the University of Auckland, many universities offer automatic admission when you can meet the requirement.
2015-07-30 3:30 am
2015-07-30 3:14 am
Recognized local tertiary institutionsAccredited local accountancy degreesThe University of Hong Kong
BBA (Hons) in Accounting & Finance
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
BBA (Hons) in Professional Accountancy
The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology
BBA (Hons) in Professional Accounting

2015-08-02 19:14:01 補充:

17. 香港科技大學

23. 香港大學

35. 香港中文大學

51-100. 香港城市大學,香港理工大學

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