did marciano fight ali?

2015-07-28 9:50 pm

回答 (12)

2015-07-28 11:45 pm
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No they did not fight each other. They were from different eras. Marciano predated Ali by a decade. He was champ from 1952-55 and made 6 title defenses. Ali was just a young child at this time. He won the gold medal in Rome in 1960 and Marciano was long retired. They staged a computer fight which was released during Alis exile in 1969. Upon its release Marciano was killed in a plane crash before the movie hit the theatres. Marciano was fitted with a toupee to make him look and appear younger he was also many pounds above his fight weight.I understand the results were different in the United States it had Marciano stopping Ali in 13 rounds. In Europe it had Ali winning a 15 round decision. Ali was also carrying extra poundage and he was 20 years younger than Marciano. Ali credited Marciano saying that he was harder to hit than you would expect. He talked also about going to his funeral running red lights and driving unsafe to attend.
2015-07-29 1:37 pm
no Ali was much younger and did not fight until Marciano had been retired.
2015-07-29 8:04 am
2015-07-29 6:23 am
In a simulated computer match, yes.
2015-07-29 2:58 am
Nope, different era's. Rocky would have dropped him though.
2015-07-28 10:29 pm
Only in a mock computer generated fake fight................There were several endings .In the US Marciano wins by KO in the 13 round, In Europe Ali wins by decision.
2015-07-28 10:17 pm
2015-07-28 10:13 pm
No but they did choreograph a fight against each other like a simulation to see who was better

Google it its called "The Super fight"
2015-07-28 9:53 pm
Sort of. They sparred individual rounds for a computer program. The fight was choreographed so that each fighter won a certain number of rounds, then the program decided which rounds to use.

Legend has it that Marciano was contemplating coming out of retirement based on his experience in the ring with Ali. Sadly, he died in a plane crash shortly after that.

2015-07-28 9:52 pm
No. Rocky Marciano retired while Cassius Clay aka Muhammad Ali was in High School.
2015-08-02 7:21 pm
Yeah. On your playstation.
2015-07-31 1:17 am

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