Could my dog be secretly licking her stiches?

2015-07-28 1:47 pm
My dog was spayed Friday, and the vet used external stitches. At first I used a clear e-collar, but she learned how to take it of by pushing the edge against the wall, so Saturday I got her an inflatable collar, which she tries running away when I am about to put it on (but she did the same with the e-collar). On the first day any time she moved towards the stitches I yelled at her, and since then she doesn't even try when, or at least when I am in view. However I do not know if she licks it when she is alone, such as when I am asleep or out of the house. When I am home I try to keep her in the same room as me, but she keeps trying to leave and go to her crate in the dining room, which until now she has avoided going into for the past year.

Ok, I have tried a teeshirt, cut holes at bottom for front legs and bobbypin it so that its tighter and I woke up with the shirt discarded. Any more ideas?

回答 (3)

2015-07-28 1:48 pm
Get her in a pair of big pants or a t-shirt with a tail hole in so that she can't get to it.
2015-07-28 1:49 pm
Those collars cannot come off when put on properly, meaning tightly enough. Put it back on right, tight enough that it stays on and do not allow the dog to even try taking it off///close the crate door too.
2015-07-28 2:36 pm
She probably does. If you can find a T-shirt that will fit her (toddler/babydoll Tshirt) that should help.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 12:01:25
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