物業追討求助 (希望智者能指引)
總共涉及五項物業,8名兄弟姊妹 (5男3女),兩名兄弟互相追討物業。
大兄長 (父親當年給予八十萬首期,涉六成都是大兄長自行供款)
二兄長 (父親當年給予B單位,但約8年前由兄長自行轉讓,該收益沒有交還比父親)
三弟 (父親當年給予D單位,但近年已過身,遺產由其三妹以遺產執行人代理)
四弟 (父親當年給予C單位,但據了當年由於四弟年紀較少,父親交給二兄長簽署,父親講過若四弟長大後,要求二兄長把C單位交還比四弟)
五弟 (父親當年給予一百萬作首期,期餘供款由五弟自行供款,同時亦係父親遺產執行人)
大家姐 (由於重男輕女,父親沒有給予任何資產)
二家姐 (由於重男輕女,父親沒有給予任何資產)
三家姐 (由於重男輕女,父親沒有給予任何資產)
父親兩年前過身,(五弟) 遺產執行人已把父親銀行存款平均分配給八名兄弟姊妹
四弟當時年紀少,需要二兄長加簽 (所以說C單位有二兄長和四弟的名字作持有人)
我唔了解法律,有印象一份有法律效力合約,(Contract需要Legal Intention + offer + considation + acceptance)
如果物業本來就是父親自己用錢買 "送給/給予 - Gift" 比兒子,即係擁有管仍然是在父親,而兒子只是有物業管理權。(可否要求父親遺產執行人收回所有物業 / 向法庭申請禁制令,禁止其二兄長的行為)
註: 父親的配偶,早於40年前過世,現在父親並無任何配偶。
二兄長起早年 (2012年左右即係父親仍然在生時候),曾與四弟在律師樓辨理申請業權轉讓,本來轉名是好快捷既事,但因為律師樓費用問題,需等一年才能把二兄的名轉讓給四弟 (這係由四弟講出黎,我都唔理解,點解要等一年) 其後父親過身,二兄長就反口唔歸還,還要要求四弟比錢買回部份業權,直到最近二兄長揚言要脅賣掉部份業權,所以作為其他兄弟姊妹都在找尋方法。
回答 (2)
First of all - sorry for your loss. Regardless which side you are on, you will lose at least one of your brother.
In short - this case is a lost cause. Everyone is a loser.
You are correct in a key issue - that your deceased father was the beneficiary owner in all cases. The named owners may have the control of the properties, but your father remained as the actual owner.
However, it is also a Pandora's box. Once this principal is introduced, not only Property C, but also Properties B and D, the $1.8 million down payment (face value), and the sale proceed received by 2nd brother will be opened for similar discussions by the same principal.
As your father did not have a will, everything above will be subject to probate proceeding again, which ends up all these properties will be divided to the 8 siblings again. This will create more problems that you can think of and you will eventually lose all of your siblings.
Partitioning Property C is not the best solution. However, it is the solution that has the least concern (either selling the property or buy the remaining half). At the least, the problem will be contained between the 2nd and 4th brother, but not the entire surviving family.
收錄日期: 2021-04-20 15:54:29
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