I'm wondering how to go about starting a non-profit or charitable organization to help impoverished children in the Philippines?

2015-07-27 11:34 pm
Hello. I am a caucasian man married to a Filipino woman. We live in California in the USA. I am wondering how to go about starting a non-profit or charitable organization to help poor children in the Philippines?

I have 2 Ideas.

I would like to collect food items, school supplies, and clothing, to ship to my wife's mother in The Philippines, who would then distribute it to needy children in her community.

2nd Idea.

I would like to travel to the Philippines about twice a year to find needy children to take on the town. My wife and I would take 3 or 4 children to an amusement park, mall, and treat them to an incredible day of fun. We will also buy them new clothing and shoes.
Anyway, these are my ideas. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

Erik and Lezyle

回答 (2)

2015-07-28 12:27 am
First of all, most non-profits operate as cost efficiently as possible. In your first scenario, that would be to collect funds once your non-profit was established and then use them to purchase items in the Philippines to distribute. This would also ensure that you were getting things that they actually eat. You can Google "start a non-profit" and find the requirements and descriptions of the process for everything for establishing your mission statement to applying for non-profit/charitable status with the IRS.

Sorry, but your second idea sounds like it would only amount to a vacation where you did some good deeds while you were there. And really, that is what I suggest you do. Go there as often as possible and do good. Rather than start a new non-profit, see if there is one that you can work with.

I would recommend Bring Me Hope (.org). I have travelled to China with them several times, and this year they started a camp in the Philippines. I can personally vouch for them and the work they do which is amazing.
2015-07-28 12:15 am
Very commendable. Glad to see that I am not the only person that wants to improve the life of the poor people.!
I will suggest some changes. In your first idea instead of buying in your country & shipping how about buying them here? The school supplies will be what they need & the same type they are used to having. Go to an Okay Okay (Oki Oki) place to get the used clothes. On either one of those you can get a better price by buying bulk. Food - buy a sack of rice prices run from P1,500 - 2,500 they buy a pack of smaller bags & give each family a 2 kilo bag of rice = 25 families fed for a few days.
I think you should pass on taking the kids out for a day. It would create bad feelings from the ones that did not get to go & would only last for a day.
One thing that I do is either have some friends send me vegetable seeds like Zucchini, LARGE (beefsteak) tomatoes, soft squash like the crookneck - just not any cold weather plants. This idea harks back to the old proverb "Give a man a fish & he eats for a day. Teach him how to fish & he eats forever".

Forgot to add that I repack the seeds into smaller quantities along with instructions & a note saying "donated by (whoever sent them to me) & CLNCARPLZ". Then I pass those out to the poor people. Different village each month.

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