Can I break the lease?

2015-07-27 11:32 pm
State: Michigan

I recently got into an apartment lease with random roommates who I didn't know beforehand. I met them and they seemed nice and all, but the day of moving in I found them smoking pot inside the house. I told them I was uncomfortable with that and told them put it out or do it somewhere else. My lease is by the bed, and so each person is responsible for his own rent. I read through the lease before signing and it did say multiple times that (three times infact) that anyone under the property doing illegal activities are breaking the terms of the lease and can be removed or proper action may be taken. I really don't care who leaves, either me or them, but am I able to break the terms of the lease due to this situation?

I feel like I'm leaving out important information, but I'm frustrated!

回答 (2)

2015-07-27 11:37 pm
✔ 最佳答案
you need to first know the rental laws where you live ( look online for landlord/tenant laws ) to see if it's even legal for someone other than the owner/landlord to allow subletting in an apt, which in most areas is not legal !! then you can see about leaving before the lease expires
2015-07-28 7:49 am
I cannot imagine why you went into such an agreement when you barely knew these people and how you could have gotten yourself into such a predicament. No, you cannot break the lease. Your lease is between you and the landlord and has nothing to do with your roommates. Your agreement is with your roommates. If you turn them in, you will likely all be evicted. Unless the landlord will allow you to sublease, you may be stuck with these pothead losers and if he allows you to sublease, good luck finding a pothead replacement.
參考: Certified Paralegal, with 25+ years' experience & with Landlord & Tenant law experience.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 16:18:09
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