An outfielder for the Lamigo

2015-07-27 10:24 pm
An outfielder for the Lamigo Monkeys (of the Chinese Professional Baseball League) reeled in one of the most absurd catches of recent memory thanks to a little hacky-sack action at the wall.Racing back to field a hard-struck ball against the EDA Rhinos, No. 96 stuck a glove out in desperation. Thanks to a weird hop, the ball bounced off his glove and proceeded to ricochet off his arm and shoulder before falling into his bare hand.The best part in all this is the batter (the CPBL's Manny Machado?), who needed a couple of moments to metabolize that his double or triple had been stolen from him by the fielding equivalent of a high-wire diamond heist. Way to keep your eye on the ball, kid. Or congratulations on your successful use of mystic blood voodoo. Either/or.


回答 (2)

2015-08-04 10:10 pm
最精彩的部分是這位打者(中華職棒的Manny Machado?)的模樣,他需要花一陣子去接受他二壘或三壘安打被沒收的消息,這守備等同於一場驚險的鑽石劫案。
2015-08-04 3:11 pm
一位 Lamigo 棒球隊 (中華職棒)的外野手...

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