Am i invited or just a messenger?

2015-07-26 1:42 pm
So i am close friends with A and B, and they are close friends with each other too, but i go to the same school with B, while A goes to a different school. Anyway, since B and i have common friends from school, we hang out a lot more often. And there are times when A offer to hang out and B couldn't make it so it's just A and I. Anyway, it happens that I always tend to have time and hangout and not miss out on anything. Well, because B parents are very strict, sometimes it's hard to contact B especially when A don't see her too often. Well, today A ask me to ask B if B could call her. When i tell her that B is not with me, she told me to ask B if she can go to B's house on the weekend. And well, i'm just so confused as to whether i'm invited for not. Because she didn't mention anything like that at all, but she is telling me to ask B, so does that mean she is expecting that i'm going? Or is she just using me as a messenger?

回答 (2)

2015-07-26 1:47 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I think you need you hint things like "we should all hang out" to see if they respond with an invitation if they don't be straight up and ask if friend B would be allowed to have you and friend A over...
2015-07-26 1:49 pm
Why couldn't A ask B? Anywho..I think it's up to can tell B that A is asking to sleep over and it would be fun if we both could. If her parents are strict may only let one take turns. A asked first. Or just tell A to ask B

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