問問英文tenses 問題

2015-07-27 1:30 am
Blattella germanica are in Taiwan.

想問問以上句子tenses 有無用錯。

回答 (4)

2015-08-05 2:53 am
Blattella germanica 是德國璋瑯!
I think the correct sentence should be:
Blattella germanica is found in Taiwan.
因Blattella germanica是指德國璋瑯這種昆蟲,應該當單數用,verb用is較合適!

2015-08-05 09:00:47 補充:
Blattella germanica 德國璋瑯 可視為 collective noun.
所以應是singular term,用 is 而不是用 are.

2015-08-05 09:03:19 補充:
2015-07-27 4:04 am
Sorry, I want to ask wt is "Blattella germanica"

2015-07-26 20:06:12 補充:
If it is a singular, then the tenses is CORRECT la.....
參考: , me~~
2015-07-28 7:42 am
Adverbial clause reduced to infinitive phrase:-
The "Blattella germanica" were too rare (to be found) in Taiwan.

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