I have a skirt suit w a jacket that buttons up too high. Would it take extensive alterations to make it so it buttons lower?

2015-07-25 8:22 pm

回答 (3)

2015-07-25 9:15 pm
That should be a very minor alteration.
參考: modelled during Uni.
2015-07-25 8:34 pm
The button holes can't be moved, so they would leave a mark. I don't really understand what you mean... how can you move button holes? You can make NEW ones, but the old ones will still be there.
2015-07-25 8:33 pm
Maybe not. They'd remove the top button and press the lapel down so the button hole is hidden under the pressed down lapel.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 12:00:46
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