
2015-07-25 8:02 pm

同埋我想問Form 1卷點算係高分。

回答 (2)

2015-08-04 8:03 pm
2015-07-26 7:59 am

In St.Mark's SchoolF1 elite class for a high mark,you had better ask the past principals:-eg;-Pun,B.T.Moraes, Hsu etc. who would tell you better study Eng.Gram. Contents well. The contents are:-(1)The Sentence;(2)Parts of Speech, (3)Phrases&Clauses and(4)Usage&Style.
If you make a mark in F1, then you make a distinguishing mark.
Be a marksman in an Exam paper.
A marker keeps score and keep scoring means high marks for you.
A good mark in F1 means you trust the Sc.inscription motto"At Once".Hence study the target boundary of the Grammar Bk and make a mark.best of wishes.

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