What kind of stuff does America have that Canada doesn't.!?

2015-07-25 6:47 am
my step sister and I have a friend that lives in Canada and we want to send her some stuff that she has never had. So like clothes, candy, chips, etc.

回答 (7)

2015-07-25 6:53 am
2015-07-25 12:14 pm
There are some foods that you cannot buy in Canada such as Babe Ruth chocolate bars and Sierra Mist pop. As far as clothing is concerned, about the only thing not available in Canada are US-specific branded items such as shirts with US cities names on them ( what a tourist would normally buy ).

But since Canada and the US are neighbours, and many companies operate on both sides of the border, the vast majority of foods and clothes from major manufacturers are available in both countries.
2015-07-28 9:59 pm
Guns and rednecks
2015-07-27 2:16 am
Inbred Idiots.
2015-07-25 8:57 pm
I love American Special K(the cereal not the horse tranquilizer).It's got a different taste and the flakes are bigger than the Canadian variety.
2015-07-25 8:20 pm
A team that won the Stanley Cup or World Series in living memory?

Wait, I got one: Spray-cheese. I've never seen cheese that sprays out of a can anywhere in Canada. Of course I haven't really looked everywhere here (it's a big place), but that might be one.

We also don't have many armadillos, but that's probably not a good idea to send over the border by mail. I'd stick with spray cheese.
2015-07-25 6:48 am

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