poly u design 理工大學設計科 一問

2015-07-25 7:34 am
如果想入poly u嘅communication design,咁我個portfolio應該包含啲咩?幾多幅作品?作品類型應該係啲咩?

我平時都有畫開畫,多數係素描,但係聽人講portfolio入面嘅作品最好要表達到某啲message出黎(例如係反映 社會丶時事),咁我平時畫嘅畫係咪唔可以放入去portfolio入面?

聽講bu art面試要評下其他人嘅作品用過啲咩技巧,poly u都要嗎?


portfolio有無咩特定格式?要用英文定中文?我之前睇過一位朋友嘅portfolio,佢係用中文,而且portfolio 嘅內外觀都無話特別靚,好似普通資料夾咁,但睇網上啲人話要整成一本書,意思係真係一本本書個種?


大約幾時要交portfolio咖?係交比考評局,定係當院校叫你去面試時先拎portfolio 過去?



長咗啲唔好意思呀,最近因為想讀art但又怕自已能力不足搞到好大壓力,好驚入唔到,成日都大壓力到想喊T___T ..
希望各位可以解答小妹啦T___T 無限感激!!

回答 (2)

2015-07-26 3:27 am
✔ 最佳答案
portfolio is for the school not for hkeaa

portfolio will be submit through online
you will have to check the deadline on its website
requirement for poly cd profolio is A4-size, 10-page, 2MB maximum PDF file demonstrating your potential and abilities as a communication designer
projects that are designed for particular purposes and people in mind (design-based) as well as purely expressive (art-based) projects may be included
may include both two- and three-dimensional work, as well as interactive and time-based projects (provide links to actual websites and video files)
include the title and a one-sentence description for each project, and consider the order of how these projects should be viewed.
*Hard Copy Full Portfolio recommended

you should show projects executed with a variety of media and approaches, rather than many projects of the same kind
personal insights, communication value and creative concepts are emphasized more than sheer technical virtuosity

poly u design interview include drawing test and interview(2nd in)
in the interview explain your work in the drawing test and your potential

only poly have design course
other u have visual art course but they learn about art history that kind

hope it can help you~~
2015-07-25 5:09 pm

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