請幫忙中翻英 商業英文

2015-07-24 6:56 pm





回答 (6)

2015-07-24 7:57 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Your order has been received. The enclosure is the receipt of the 30% deposit for your financial record.

If you have any enquiries,please inform me as soon as possible.

2015-07-24 13:14:23 補充:
Revised:Your order has been received by us. The enclosure is the receipt of the 30% deposit for your financial report.

If you have any enquiries,please inform us as soon as possible.
2015-07-25 2:33 pm



Subject: Referring to your order
Dear Sir,
As for receipt of your order, we had mailed a letter which an invoice is enclosed, requesting for 30% deposit of sum of order. Should there be any problem arisen please let me know immediately.
參考: Myself
2015-07-25 8:07 am
Dear XXX,

Your order is well received with thanks.

Please find the enclosed invoice being the 30% deposit for your payment arrangement.

If you have any further questions, please contact me ASAP.

Best regards,
2015-07-25 1:50 am
We/I have received your order.

[If deposit has been paid:]Please find attached the receipt of 30% deposit for your finanicial record.

[If deposit to be paid:]Please find attached the invoice for the 30% deposit for your remittance.

Should you have any questions/queries, please contact me as soon as possible.

Thank you.

Kind Regards,
2015-07-24 8:27 pm
We had received your order,
the receipt of 30% deposit was attached,
please provide your financial report.

If you had if you had enquiries,
please feel free to contact us as soon as possible. Thank you.
2015-07-24 7:18 pm

Your order has been received. Attached please find the receipt of the 30% deposit for your accounting record.

Thank you.

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 21:11:01
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