
2015-07-23 11:28 pm
I'm criticizing Mary now.


回答 (2)

2015-07-24 2:16 am
✔ 最佳答案
Leo 你好~

I'm criticizing Mary now.

使用現在進行式 (present continuous tense / present progressive tense),代表所描述的動詞在說話那時正在進行中(用了 now)。用詞正確,文法無錯。


Simple Present Tense (簡單現在式)
I criticize Mary every day.

Present Continuous Tense (現在進行式)
I'm criticizing Mary at the moment.

Present Perfect Tense (現在完成式)
I have just criticized Mary.

Present Perfect Continuous Tense (現在完成進行式)
I have been criticizing Mary for 10 years.

Simple Past Tense (簡單過去式)
I criticized Mary yesterday.

Past Continuous Tense (過去進行式)
I was criticizing Mary when you phoned me last week.

Past Perfect Tense (過去完成式)
I had criticized Mary before she left.

Present Perfect Continuous Tense (過去完成進行式)
I had been criticizing Mary for 10 years before she graduated.

Simple Future Tense (簡單未來式)
I will criticize Mary tomorrow.

Future Continuous Tense (未來進行式)
I will be criticizing Mary when you arrive tonight.

Future Perfect Tense (未來完成式)
I will have criticized Mary before you come.

Future Perfect Continuous Tense (未來完成進行式)
I will have been criticizing Mary for 2 hours when you finally come.

2015-07-23 18:38:29 補充:
你的補充發問已於 qid=7015072200065 一帖發問,請於該帖跟進。

2015-07-24 07:29:49 補充:

那個帖?請指出帖子的 qid 號碼。

2015-07-26 10:04:25 補充:
qid=7015072200065 已有人回答。
2015-07-24 3:10 am
continue-- is to keep happening ,existing, or doing something for a longer period of time without stopping.The continuous form of a verb is used to show that an action or activity is continuing to happen, as shown "be" followed by a present participle, as in "I am criticizing about her faults."criticize" is to express your disapproval of someone for something, or to talk about her faults; eg:-Leo does nothing but criticize and complain Mary all the time.
eg:-You strongly criticize Mary for failing the Exam.
eg:-You criticize Mary for (doing) something.
To express somebody for (doing) something is needed:-
eg:-I'm criticizing Mary for (doing) something now.
Also in structure Verb in V-ing:-
am criticizing ---Verb group in -ing Verb
Mary for something------Completive.

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