My dog hashistiocytoma can I get rid of this at home?

2015-07-22 9:58 pm
My dog has a red lump behind his right limb I doesn't hurt him but it's penny size can I use apple cider to get rid of it he's ten months and he only eats cesars food

回答 (7)

2015-07-22 10:05 pm
A histiocytoma is very rarely cancerous but the Vet should remove it and have it biopsied. Who told you it was a Histiocytoma? Did the Vet tell you that or are you self-diagnosing this lump? If you're self diagnosing, than you really don't know what this is, do you? What's apple cider going to do? NOTHING. Histiocytoma's mostly do occur in older puppies. One of my past dogs had one his leg too when he was 11 months old, and I had the Vet remove it. If I remember correctly, he had 4-5 stitches. It was no big deal. Take your puppy to the Vet. As stated, IF it's REALLY a Histiocytoma, they are usually harmless. In fact, they sometimes will go away on their own, but often times a dog will chew or lick the area and it can end up infected. That's why Vet removal is the best option.

Cesar dog food is JUNK!
2015-07-22 10:26 pm
You don't. the dog need to be under anesthesia to have it removed. They are usually harmless, just keep an eye on it & if it changes in size or color take the dog to a Vet. Most everything I read on it says it is benign.
2015-07-22 10:16 pm
You are best, as Julie says to get it biopsied and check it is nothing else.

Let a vet decide what you do with it, although cider vinegar is not going to hurt it at all and may help a little.
2015-07-22 10:14 pm
Okay you need to take him to a vet since it sounds as if you just looked the image up online and did a self diagnosis. I have NEVER heard of apple cider curing a thing! Get him to the vet like a half way responsible pet owner and get a REAL diagnosis.
2015-07-23 1:43 am
Apple cider won't do anything but waste your time and the apple cider.
2015-07-22 10:04 pm
It has hair in it
2015-07-22 10:01 pm

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