Should the U.S.A. trust Iran?

2015-07-22 6:18 pm

回答 (16)

2015-07-22 6:19 pm
Yes we should always trust countries whose leaders lead public chants of death to America.
2015-07-22 6:25 pm
No. But this Administration is too naive and running on wishful thinking to understand that.
2015-07-22 6:21 pm
No. But then we shouldn't trust a leadership who caves in all the time either.
2015-07-22 6:32 pm
Sure...Obama thinks we're all friends now! And we all know he would never lie or do anything that risks national security!
2015-07-22 6:22 pm
Absolutely not.

But not trusting someone shouldn't require keeping a decades old stalemate going indefinitely.
2015-07-22 6:25 pm
No, but diplomacy (with the threat of sanctions as leverage) is better than war, as the president recently said:

“Some of the same politicians and pundits that are so quick to reject the possibility of a diplomatic solution to Iran's nuclear program are the same folks who were so quick to go to war in Iraq and said it would take a few months,” he said. “We know the consequences of that choice, and what it cost us in blood and treasure. So I believe there's a smarter, more responsible way to protect our national security.”

I really like that guy Obama. Whoever wins in 2016 will not be as smart.
2015-07-22 6:19 pm
Iran isn't the problem when it comes to trust.

The US is so aggressive the rest of us have lost the ability to trust at all.
2015-07-22 7:52 pm

Ob and Kerry and the presidential RasPutin, Valerie Jarrett, [born in Iran, could speak Persian,]

arent getting their global accolades for having brought

"Peace For Our Time!"

Gosh! THAT'S strange!

Neville Chamberlain got his at Munich in 1938 when he & France so shamefully appeased Hitler's rank aggression in Czech!

So now Ob & Co have to backtrack and now try to offer sweeteners & excuses to Congress,

and scurry to israel & Saudi and the rest of the Gulf Arabs,

and see if they'l fall for the ruse of getting more n more US conventional weapons,

as if they could somehow outweigh the nukes Iran already has.


. NYTimes July 23, 2015
“The Iranians are practiced at cheating," said former Iraq weapons inspector, David Albright,
and former deputy dir of the IAEA said the 24-day inspection delay reduces detection exactly where the system is weakest,
"detecting undeclared material & facilities'

== . Bloomberg July 17 2015
“…a diminishment of America's negotiating position in 2013.”

Back then, “Obama said he would trade the dismantlement of sanctions for the dismantlement of Iran's nuclear program.
“But under the final deal,
“ Iran's nuclear infrastructure largely survives, while
the sanctions Obama hoped would pressure Iran to abandon nuclear weapons production, don’t.


. . Bloomberg July 17 2015
Dennis Ross, one of Obama’s top former Middle East advisers, said
"Given Iran's track record, it will likely cheat

“along the margins to test the means of verification and see how it might be able to change the baseline…"


The Munich Agreement, 1938, "Peace For Our Time!"
2015-07-22 6:35 pm
I doubt anyone "trusts Iran" the way they "trust" friends or family. Think of it as giving Iran the chance to do the right thing.
2015-07-22 7:08 pm
Trust Iran to do what? They have not had the materials to develop a nuclear weapon, or they would have done so except that they signed the NPT in 1970 and every Supreme Leader has decreed they cannot do that. Every nation has an inalienable right to national security and secrets.

How about putting video cams in every U.S. nuclear facility for the world to see?

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