Where to find good heavy metal guitar sounds on logic pro?

2015-07-22 11:11 am
I'm using logic pro to makes some heavy metal songs but a lot of the distorted electric guitars on it suck. Is there anyway I can get guitar sounds like metallica? Or other electric guitars sounds that sound good? I am not using a real guitar its all digital so Im not sure if digital can even recreate real guitar sounds.

回答 (3)

2016-11-10 4:00 pm
Heavy Metal Pro
2016-02-27 4:29 pm
for a really heavy grinding tone i suggest Dean Guitars, there's a reason Dime used em'. Out side of that? the guitar won't matter a whole lot. you want a heavy body (think mahogany or basswood) like a Dean V, or razor back, or dime signature or what ever, Ceramic pickups give you a heavier tone while ASctives will give youa louder, higher output signal. I'd also suggest using heavy gauge Steel strings, those will produce a thicker, heavier sound than lighter gague strings. as far as a guitar taht's ready to roll goes, i'd look into a Schecter C1 Hellraiser, or a Dean mustaine signature variation (cheaper one). my current metal guitar is my Dean VX (the shitty low end 200$ Flying V knockoff) with 10-43 nickel wound strings, thicker than i'm used to (which is kind of sad), but tuned to a low tuning with the pickups it has? it's a great dirty thick sound. Best of luck, if you need any other advice feel free to shoot me an email too.
2015-07-22 9:09 pm
The level of equipment you have determines a lot. The answer to your question is tough because I dont know all of the equipment you have. Logic pro is the tool you are using I have that but what or her equipment you are using can make a difference. If any. Professional grade recording equipment costs a lot of money, that is why programs like logic pro exist, for the average person who does not have an extra 5K or so laying around. So your answer is yes its possible to change the electric guitars to make them sound better. But it may not be possible with what you currently have. Also to "sound like Metallica," even electronically with a program is many a persons dream.

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