What do people have to do to bulid 5-star hotels?

2015-07-22 8:54 am

I mean of coz they have to have loads of money, just want to hear stories about hotel owners who actually worked their way up . i mean how to start from the beginning

回答 (2)

2015-07-22 8:59 am
Secure fincance, buy some land, design a hotel to the appropriate standard, get consents, hire a builder and appoint an operator.

I know a hotel developer, he arranges finance with lenders, based on a business plan which demonstrates that the venture will be profitable. He started by building offices and then converted a couple of office buildings he had bought/leased into hotels. He has no specific hotel experience when he began, but understood the property market he was in, and rarely uses his own money to build.

The standard of accommodation and facilities is determined by local inspectors btw, and it is not just the actual building, but the level of service, eg the ratio of staff to guests that needs to be taken into consideration. this is why it is important to have a suitable operator on board who understands the requirements.
2015-07-23 11:42 pm
Have lots of money!

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