You are my gem!點解

2015-07-23 4:23 am
You are my gem!點解?
如果有個同事咁同你講,係咩意思? Thanks

回答 (6)

2015-07-23 7:36 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Yahoo 字典, 其中一個解釋, = "招人喜愛的人"
gem = a person held in great esteem or affection. ~ US Dictionary
但是 British English, 有一特別意思, 在 conversation 聽人講 "You are a real gem."

gem = someone who is special in some way, especially because they are useful or helpful

"gem noun [C]
someone or something that is very good, pleasing, or useful:

You've been an absolute gem - I couldn't have managed without your help."
~ 取自劍橋字典

"gem n [C]
3. a very helpful or special person"
~ 取自朗文字典
2015-07-23 5:24 pm

gem = 寶石

You are my gem! = 你是我的寶貝 / 你是我珍惜的至寶。
2015-07-23 10:47 am

You are my precious jewel;
You are something valued because of great beauty.
Your gemmed part is adorned with me.
2015-07-23 6:42 am
hi , i hope i can help you~~!^^
i go to translate is mean '' 寶石 ''
i think this sentences is mean you so important and 珍貴.

i hope i can help you^^
參考: myself
2015-07-23 6:32 am

2015-07-23 4:27 am

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