
2015-07-23 4:22 am

回答 (3)

2015-07-24 4:30 am
✔ 最佳答案
Warning:-Homework must be done by students to help them learn,prepare for Exam !!!!!!
alike adv---the same or similiar, like one another 相同,相似
.eg:-The two brothers are very much alike.
eg:-Mother treats all her children alike.
eg:-It is a training course for both employed&unemployed alike (=by Federation Union Alliance Society).

like:-----USAGE:-Like means to be fond of or enjoy:-I like milk-tea=I am fond of it---.I like watching TVB television.----I would like is more common and more polite than I want. eg:-I'd like a cup of tea.---I'd like to watch television tonight.
"How do you like...?"---How do you like this PINK TVB advert. dress?
"How would you like....?"----How would you like--like to be treated like that ?
"How would you like a punch on the nose?"

like, prep, in the same way as類似/相似.
eg:-Do it like this.
eg:-He cried like a waterman when they told him the sad DSE news.
eg:-He was like a son to me.
eg:-She is very like her mother.

like n.,someone which is like another., esp. in having equally high value:-
eg:-Will we ever see the like of Empress Mo Check-tin again? I've never seen its like again. I like the like of it.
eg:-Sporting,running, swimming and the like are found in every school courses.

like adj., with the same quality:-
eg:-We have like attitude / are of like mind in this matter.
Of the same type=suchlike:-eg:-Running,swimming, sporting and like sports

like conj., in the same way as:-
eg:-Do you make bread like you make cakes ?
eg:-Like I said, I can't get there on time.(=I have said this before.)
eg:-He acts like he is the Boss.
like adv., unusual, unclear expression:-
eg:-He went up to her all innocent , like , as if he'd done nothing to apologise.
2015-07-23 5:27 pm

Alike = 一模一樣

Like = 類似/相似

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