✔ 最佳答案
1. 你好,人名,剛才地有個從DHL包裹,信件,物品送左黎給你
Hello, XXX, there is a package/parcel, a letter, an item from DHL for you.
A package/parcel, a letter, an item by DHL has been delivered for you today.
2. 請你留一留你係屋企,一陣有工程部同事係11點來你單位進行維修及保養
Could you just stay home for a little while, our maintenance staff willcarry out service in your apartment (unit) at around eleven (o’clock/am)
3. 我呢到地有送餐的服務
We have “room service” / “meal service” (要看看你公司/酒店/屋苑正式叫甚麼).
4. 我們工程部同事已到,請你準備開門
Our maintenance staff has arrivedat your door.
5. 我們會趕快跟進你的天花滲水,石屎剝落,噪音滋擾,冷氣機滴水,
We will follow-up on your report on ceiling water seepage, concrete spalling, noisenuisance, water dripping from air-conditioner.
6. 你可以簡單用油填在牆身上填補損耗的位置及用英泥填平.
You can simply paint the wall to cover the damaged area and fill up with cementsand plastering.
7. 我地已安排左我們同事上黎跟進冷滴,事項
We have arranged our staff to go up to follow-up on the case of water drippingfrom air-conditioning.
8 請問邊度有野係壞嫁?(入屋後的問題)
Please tell us(me) what item is malfunctioned.
9. 這裡水龍頭的閥芯鬆脫,冷氣機的而板不能感應
The water faucet(tap) has a loosen shaft(seat)?...甚麼是”而板”
5. 原來是咁,咁我通知要合資格工程承辦商再約下星期一點黎你屋企作詳細的
Understood. I’ll arrange registeredcontractor to check in your apartment(unit) next Monday.
10. 你好,mr smith,剛才會所留左個訊息比你,為什麼你的兒子咁耐都未黎
Mr. Smith, how are you? Our Club House has just left you a message to ask you thatyou son has not arrived.
11. 我呢到地有送餐的服務?
We have room/meal serivce.
What would you like to eat/drink?
I would like to order a hamburger, one fries and a coke, please.
12. 請問你地的服務有D咩嫁?
Please tell me what kind of services you can provide.
13. 請問你呢到有咩食,睇,玩?
??? What is to eat, see and have fun here?
14. 我有D野想放D衫係你Logistic room到
I has some clothing that I want to keep at your “Logistics Room”.[假設這是你公司的正式房名稱 – 注意Logistics係必定有’s’尾的]
Are your parents home?