Do guys always go for brunettes?

2015-07-22 3:29 am
I watched a video with JC Kaelyn and a few other people in it and they were answering questions about girls (this was a while ago) and they said guys like brunettes and I'm blonde....
Will I never get a guy???
Will I always be considered just a dumb blonde???
Please help!

回答 (4)

2015-07-22 4:14 am
✔ 最佳答案
well it is the personality that matters plus instead of thinking how to get a man think of how to learn more or how to earn a lot of money right way. trust me you will meet the right person in the time that you don't expect
2015-07-22 3:36 am
no you wont ---- men dont care about hair colour its the person we want not her hair
2015-07-22 4:44 am
You shouldn't even worry about getting a guy. Lots of nice guys are available!
2015-07-22 3:30 am
no, i am a guy and I go for any girls that i get along and like.

收錄日期: 2021-04-16 17:03:26
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