is there any real jobs for kids age 12?

2015-07-21 7:22 pm
like at a real store or something

回答 (4)

2015-07-22 3:27 am
Just be a kid...your a kid only once...
2015-07-21 10:57 pm
No, 12 is below the legal limit for even part time work in all states. The only time that's allowed is on private, family operated businesses such as farms or ranches, and the child in question must be a member of the family and no money is issued.
2015-07-21 7:30 pm
Where do you live? Various states have laws how old you can be to start work.

14 is the min age some states hire
2015-07-21 7:28 pm
I believe child labor laws state under 14 is illegal to employ. There are work arounds for family and stuff. Could always mow lawns/clean pools though.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 12:01:46
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