Is it good to fry fruit on a skillet and then put it in the fridge overnight?

2015-07-21 1:02 pm

I really like frying bannanas on an iron skillet on top of the stove. I was wondering if it would be good for packing or still taste good for keeping it overnight in the fridge?

回答 (7)

2015-07-26 11:58 am
Try first then tell us #LoL
2015-07-22 11:36 am
Why? It will get cold. Leftovers are fine to put in the fridge, but if you're frying them just to put it in the fridge, that's just silly.
As pennybar mentioned, it's not going to hurt you or the fruit ;)

But, eating it cold will not be the same as eating it warm right out of the pan. The texture will be different and it won't have the aroma of warm caramelized fruit. But give it a shot and see what you think!

I cook pears or peaches in a pan and then top them with squares of dark chocolate which essentially become a sauce on the warm fruit. Unbelievably delicious and easy dessert.
2015-07-21 2:18 pm
You can fry fruit in a skillet and refrigerate it overnight. Generally fruit become more sweet when cooked. Fried fruit is not as healthy as raw fruit but it certainly won't hurt you. If you are frying something like bananas to make a hot dessert like bananas foster and are refrigerating the leftovers, that is fine, but if you are frying the fruit to save time when preparing the dessert the next day, your fruit will turn mushy when you reheat it.
2015-07-21 1:27 pm

once you try it, let us know!
2015-07-21 1:09 pm
I do not know how about frying bananas on skillet, but I like frozen bananas in melted chocolate
2015-07-21 1:23 pm
Why would you fry fruit???

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