Words with 'ed' in the end that don't pronounce it?

2015-07-21 7:44 am
Are they words with 'ed' that don't pronounce it? I've been pronouncing these words all with 'tid' for ed, like 'inverted'> inverTID. I wonder if there're words spelled with ted but it is pronounced only with t? Thanks!

回答 (3)

2015-07-21 11:52 am
For some words (punish, mash, jump, etc..) the past-tense form with the "ed" is pronounced like a "t" as follows:

"punished" pronounced "pun - isht"
"mashed" pronounced "masht"
"jump" pronounced "jumpt"

If the word ends with "ed", it is not necessarily pronounce "ted". It could be as follows:

"fill" becomes "filled" and pronounced as "filld" not "fill-ted"
"spill" becomes "spilled" and is pronounced as "spilld" not "spill-ted"

While the past-tense of some other words are completely different, as follows:

"spit" becomes "spat"
"take" becomes "took"
"eat" becomes "ate"
"speak" becomes "spoke"
"fit" becomes "fat" ... just kidding, it's "fitted"
2015-07-21 11:31 am
2015-07-21 8:59 am
None that I can think of - the final ED would be pronounced as it indicates a change in tense.

收錄日期: 2021-04-16 17:03:33
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