how to eliminate the root of suffering?

2015-07-19 2:11 pm

回答 (8)

2015-07-19 2:59 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Sin is the root of suffering. You get rid of it by asking God to forgive you for it, and believe that Jesus bore it for you.

We live in a fallen world, and the suffering will not end until Jesus comes for His people. If you are not one of His people, suffering will never end.
2015-07-19 2:18 pm
Sorry, not possible.

Every multicellular animal species on Earth suffers with famine, predators, mutations, attacks from their own and other species, environmental extremes etc.

Welcome to reality.
2015-07-19 2:15 pm
Can't skirt the human factor, unless you're talking about a cavity
2015-07-19 2:28 pm
I am not alone, because the Father is with Me. 33 These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”

Jesus -- Receive Jesus as your Lord. He will help you to overcome the world.
2015-07-19 3:18 pm
Stop wanting....
2015-07-19 3:14 pm
Perhaps beyond us: but we can all decide not to add to it
2015-07-19 2:41 pm
By accepting that suffering is forever.
And live with it happily :)
2015-07-19 2:36 pm
Clean out your belief system. Mistaken beliefs cause emotional suffering.

the easiest way to force people to change their beliefs is to bring the tyrant "money" down and throw it away forever.

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