Is sexual obsession mean: considering sexual Pleasure the The main focus of life ?

2015-07-18 10:49 pm
i know Desiring sex is in not bad but if i considered sex the greatest ( Pleasure) not ( gratification ) in my life and the way i express my love and therefore i made it the main focus and the most thing i desire in my life with my chosen because if i don't live for Feeling Pleasure and joy and love and all good and rewarding emotion what do i live for ? and What is the use and What is the benefit of my life? notice that all this happens ( with my own free will) not ( compulsively) because compulsiveness means that this happens Without my choice what i want to know is that if all that is a sexual obsession and mental disorder ?

回答 (4)

2015-07-18 11:20 pm
✔ 最佳答案
the purpose of life is having children and growing thru them. Sex after the second year of marriage is usually a thing people do a couple of times a month and after several years of marriage it is non-existent. If you think only about sex and physical love (which is a fantasy) you'll be lost.
2015-07-18 10:51 pm
If it wasn't for our obsession with sex, the human race would cease to exist.
2015-07-18 11:54 pm
If you are obsessed it rules your life and you spend every waking moment getting more
2015-07-18 10:52 pm
So you can only love those you ****?

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