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Clinic staff: It seems that your information can be found in our records.
You: Yes, you are right. I have cancelled an appointment scheduled on 8th March 2010.
如果過去的事情與現在的情況無關係,建議用簡單過去式(simple past tense):
I cancelled an appointment scheduled on 8th March 2010.
2015-07-26 14:03:43 補充:
你應該用simple past tense 來表達過去的動作:
I became a member of the ABC Society in 2010.
其實你要學好grammar,可以參考Grammar in Use (published by Cambridge University Press),入面有講simple past tense同present perfect tense嘅分別,當中有提及兩者都係講緊過去嘅嘢,不過present perfect tense就要同現在有關連,否則你應該用simple past tense.
2015-07-26 14:15:31 補充:
同埋你講"我睇未必",但你唔係一個native English speaker,接觸的英文不多,所以純綷用你自己嘅睇法會容易造成錯誤。你如果想減少這種錯誤,應該用權威的grammar書,例如Cambridge 和 Oxford 出版的,並多接觸native English speakers寫的英文,例如閱讀BBC News 和 CNN News。這樣,你才能作出正確判斷。
I had booked an appointment, but I cancelled it on 8th March 2010.
2015-07-26 14:23:58 補充:
had booked (earlier action) --> cancelled (later action)
早啲嗰個動作會用past perfect tense,遲啲嗰個會用simple past tense.
2015-07-26 14:29:35 補充:
*更正: I had booked an appointment, but I cancelled it on 6th March 2010.
但如果你只講一句句子,咩上文下理都冇,你應該用simple past tense:
I cancelled an appointment scheduled on 8th March 2010.
因為單一句子,你冇顯示同現在的關係,所以唔用present perfect tense,亦冇反映兩個過去動作嘅時間差,所以唔用past perfect tense。
參考: Cambridge Grammar in Use, Grammar in Use (published by Cambridge University Press)