ICT 似是近期洲政府極缺人材,到澳洲讀ICT degree
ICT 似是近期洲政府極缺人材,如果16歲男生想到澳洲讀ICT degree, 邊間好?而家讀還会遲?
ICT 在美國讀勁d?定澳邊問U比較勁d?前程和收入好嗎?
回答 (3)
美國係 IT 既祖師爺,將人類社會翻天覆地改變既資訊科技革命完全由美國發起,現在 IT 科技有超過七成來自美國,如果有錢有能力,你唸下去美國定澳洲讀 IT 好? 美國真正頂尖既大學學術水平堪稱匪夷所思,老實講,如果樓主夠成績入到呢D 頂尖大學,連學費都未必要比,因為一定有獎學金。
如上述,資訊科技革命將社會翻天覆地改變,係人類近三十年最偉大既進步,話資訊科技已經支配人類社會絕不過份。咁既環境之下,IT 行係任何一個社會都有得做,亦肯定有前途。不過要留意既係,香港係一個好奇怪既地方,非常多人日日打機上網玩智能手機,但又日日話IT 無得做,佢地連 IT 係乜野都唔知,剩係唸住炒樓炒股先有前途,你睇下創科局搞咁耐都唔成事,就知香港人對科技有幾熱衷。老實講,如果樓主可以去其他地方做 IT 會好 D,因為有最起碼既尊重。據小弟所知,係美國做 IT 無論前途及待遇均良好,而且人地地方大,肯投資比機會,可以既話應該係嗰邊發展。
Yahoo removed my answer for unknown reasons. So I post my answer here:
I assume you are asking for your son.
1. No recommendation.
2. Maybe. The IT (or ICT) industry is a tricky industry. Education seems to have no strong bearing to the future as:
2015-07-18 18:00:20 補充:
a. Many successful celebrities in the industry are in fact drop out from higher education;
b. A person can become an IT professional without higher education.
c. In this industry, ideas and talents are what matters.
2015-07-18 18:00:37 補充:
3. No. In fact, it will be worse, due to the competition (based on your past questions, I took the consideration of immigration opportunities as well).
Many IT professionals in the U.S. are in fact imported and not educated locally.
4. See #1 and #2.
2015-07-18 18:03:05 補充:
5. There is no answer as it is location dependent.
收錄日期: 2021-04-16 17:05:10
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