econ demand and supply

2015-07-18 9:29 pm
During the holidays, the tour fares are higher than normal days, but the number of people joining tour is also higher. Explain whether the above phenomenon violates the law of demand.

回答 (2)

2015-07-23 12:32 am
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答:沒有違反需求定律 解釋:需求定律指出,假設其他因素不變,若獲取物品的所付出成本越低,需求量越大。 經濟學指出,總成本 = 金錢成本 + 非金錢成本金錢成本是指旅遊費,而非金錢成本是指因旅遊而放棄了時間的價值,如賺取的工資 雖然於假期旅遊費較往常高,但是市民大多不需在公眾假日上班。因市民在公眾假期旅遊付出時間成本大大降低,令總成本較往常低,故公眾假期參加旅行團的數目上升。 於是上述現象並沒違反需求定律。

2015-07-20 7:52 pm

People like to go out for a trip during holiday, so the people joining tour is higher. Demand for tour is higher than normal time. However, hotel and air ticket are relatively limit. So tour fares go up.

收錄日期: 2021-04-26 15:28:01
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