memories of a fight making me extremely upset?

2015-07-18 5:39 am
i have this really good friend and like we have a good relationship. But like this morning i suddenly remember i fight we had like a year ago, and i remember how she bitched about me and was so mean and stuff. Although we are perfectly okay now, this memory just made me really upset and i cant get over of it. Is it normal, whats wrong with me?

回答 (2)

2015-07-18 8:21 am
✔ 最佳答案
as long as you're fine now it doesn't matter, try not to think of everyone has ups and downs but it's in the past now
2015-07-18 6:02 am
She betrayed you. Betrayal is something you never forget. She was not trustworthy then, and is not trustworthy now. Be careful, as she is fake.
參考: psychology

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