It's like my boyfriend wants to change me?

2015-07-17 12:11 pm
Boyfriend keeps saying things that makes me feel like he doesn't like me the way I am. I'm blonde and he'll say why don't you dye your hair brown, why don't you curl it all over like a perm, you should cut your hair short, you should squat more, you should drink more water I'll buy you a new face wash. Things that make me feel like he wants me to look totally different or to be how he wants me to be. Is this just guys being guys not knowing how to talk to girls? Or is it deeper than that? Should I address it?

回答 (2)

2015-07-17 12:16 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You never let anyone change you. Tell him you are who you are and are not going to change and if he doesn't like the way you are, he can find someone else. If he asks you to dye your hair brown, tell him no and that if he wants a brunette he can leave and find a brunette. Also tell him you don't like him telling you what to do, he's not your father and you are not a child and it's really annoying
2015-07-17 12:22 pm
I'd say that this guy doesn't like your looks that much. Which is a bad sign for your relationship.

You probably should leave him and find someone else. Because chances are that he will eventually leave you, if you don't leave him first.

The thing about changing your looks is that he doesn't really know if he will like your changed looks or not, until he sees them. He can put you through all kinds of looks, decide that he doesn't like anything he sees, and leave you for some other woman eventually.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 21:18:08
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