Does personal perception carry a load of discrimination?

2015-07-17 11:47 am
Ask a man-made authority to put in writing what is wrong with me by saying the real authority should be the available truth and facts of life, not man-made one which is usually and specially designed to serve the convenience of administration and
bureaucracy so all humans can be
governed with truth and facts of global common humanity. More? Go to

Thus far, 9 answers have come in and they are all good, and as perceived, 7 out of 9 answers have inclined to support a strong ingredient of discrimination in personal perception. Thanks; I still wish to hear more answers with higher clarity; so pour yours in, which I would surely appreciate, before announcing the best answer. Have a nice day.

回答 (8)

2015-07-17 7:24 pm
I think, YES, We are the Natural Human beings filling with the discrimination within Ourselves, Without understanding It, We are always perceiving others with the discrimination.
2015-07-17 4:37 pm
Sure. Especially for those that have been indoctrinated by some religion.
2015-07-17 2:56 pm
No, it is `preference run wild` which discriminates in the worst ways.One interprets one`s perceptions according to experience/ need or to desire or discrimination ...........a bird - watcher, a property speculator, a logger, a conservationist will see the same forest yet interpret the perception according to the bias/ preference of the individual .......................................................................Lapiz D
2015-07-17 8:36 pm
I read three other answers to see if anybody had a clue what you were asking. They all answered the word "discrimination" as if the rest of the question didn't exist.

1. What is a "real authority" as opposed to a man-made one? Men wrote the bible. Men write the laws.

2. Who is saying What is wrong with you?

3. Why would I go look at your web site when you can't post a coherent question?

Obviously, as no one addressed your real question (whatever it is) folks are not interested in what you are selling because of the incoherent way you have expressed yourself.

You can't sell an idea by expressing it poorly. You are working for the opposition.
2015-07-22 7:11 am
'Perception' itself is the broadest form of discrimination. It is a filter that processes in a limited and fixed paradigm, that is exclusive of the "bigger picture." Both perception and discrimination act as a guide, point of reference, or rule of thumb, to go by, although they may not always be reliable. Expanding one's context beyond the content and categorizations of specifics and details is a more inclusive approach that allows thing to be seen from a wider perspective.
2015-07-17 10:09 pm
I am failing to derive at a conclusion in the premise of your 'posted' question; as it seems too lead to a 'statement' on the condition of our 'so called' people in power.
I will not go to the web site as asks, as personal political agendas do not interest me.
Take a look at this;, or
Watch it all the way through as it does get draggy at times.

Well; mark this date: September 18th, 2016, and see what happens.

2015-07-17 9:21 pm
The fact is, SOCIETY (collective cooperation of individuals) determines what is right or wrong and what is discriminatory, not the individual. Since you cannot perceive reality or truth except through your human perceptions as influenced by your upbringing and experience, you cannot discern what the pure objective truth and facts are outside of your human context, so yes, you bring a load of discrimination.

收錄日期: 2021-04-27 12:18:25
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