
2015-07-18 6:29 am


(2) 如果屬於該條例,條例中說的極為令人厭惡的訊息,如何才屬於極為令人厭惡的訊息? 每人的標準亦不同? 何謂叫做不斷,要幾多次先叫做不斷?咁收數佬都經常打電話比債仔,是否也犯了此罪?

(3) 咁d廣告電話都令我極為厭惡,為什麼政府又唔用呢條法例告打電話d人或禁止該行為

(4)條例中提到無合理因由及旨在達致任何上述目的,什麼是合理因由? 推銷算不算是合理因由?

(5)根據硬幣條例,付款時如用少於$1的硬幣,總額不可超過$2,請問如果超過$2又是不是會犯了刑事條例? 罰則是多少? 如果有商店肯收超過$2的毫子,請問買方和賣方是否已經犯了法?


回答 (2)

2015-07-18 5:54 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. Yes. Under Section 20(c):


(By the way, the case number for this case is TWCC1424/2015.)

2. There is no definite answer. However, when evaluating the action and the speech involved, the court will determine if this is offensive enough to a reasonable person.

Calls regarding collection usually does not fall under this as its call is legitimate in nature. At the least, if a debtor does not owe money, no call will be ever made.

3. Unfortunately:

a. The offender must persistently, not occasionally, contact the victims. Most advertisement are occasional.

b. You must report to the police to initiate the criminal proceedings.

4. A cause or reason that a ordinary person can accept. Not necessary, as some of these calls may be consented based on your privacy preference.

5. No. Coinage Ordinance is a civil law. In short, the law simply allows any merchants to refuse as a right. It does not stop any merchants from accepting more than $2 in coins less than $1.
2015-07-18 5:35 pm

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