2015-07-18 4:19 am
現屆(2015)DSE考生,中文得2,與大學無緣,唯望以sub-degree兩年後重新加入bachelor degree (最好可以year 3)。

本人原先打算於JUPAS 搏 HKU BEng 同 HKUST BEng,目標是以 BEng(CompSc) 畢業,而此長遠目標至今不變。選 Computer Science 原因首先是基於興趣同本人programming的相關經驗,其次是看好就業出路。

我已獲 HKUSPACE AD in Engineering 同 HKCC AD in Engineering 的offers,而我對前者較有興趣。我同時亦在JUPAS把 HD in Electronic & Information Engineering (JS3076) 放於 A1。小弟Best 5 = 55444,中文2,英文5,按以往JS3076的平均分數 (2014年為19.5),我對JUPAS入此A1非常有望。 ( 引: )

假設如我所願,JUPAS的A1 HD同自行報讀的兩個AD均可取錄的話,到8月10日JUPAS放榜,我應如何選擇?以下是我的一些考慮:
1. 最好可以讀完2年AD/HD後,有最大機會升讀UGC-funded degree的Year 3,而最少亦要升讀Year 1。
2. 最好可以用4年的時間,盡我全力去完成一個Bachelor Degree (Computer Science)。
3. 最好可以有最大機會升讀 HKU、UST、CUHK或PolyU (按優次排列),而且最快適應大學生活。
4. 最好不要在2年AD/HD後立即全職工作。


回答 (3)

2015-07-18 8:16 am
✔ 最佳答案
Well, I am in a similar scenario - failed to meet with the "3322" requirement and received Asso Engineering offer from both HKCC and HKUSPACE. I am still struggling to find a right choice. BTW, I hope this website could help you in making a choice.
2015-07-20 2:07 am
其實nonjupas 想升year 3 有d 難度, 多數會入year2, 除非你gpa好高
亦有聽過有人2年asso入 hku year1(讀4年),
如果你有心係讀computer science, 應該先睇下hkuspace / hkcc / poly hd 呢3科既course 分別,
asso engineering 印象中似係咩都讀, 唔止programming
2015-07-18 12:52 pm
I will avoid choosing the program offered by HKU SPACE.

My primary concern of HKU SPACE is how its programs are ill-designed. At the least, its programs do not align with any HKU programs. For example, its AD in Legal Studies does not have anything to do with HKU Law. For AD Engineering, some focuses either are not offered through HKU or should not be offered as a engineering focus, such as BIS (BIS is a Business focus) and computer science. On that basis, advancement to HKU is not high.

Beside, since HKU SPACE operates as a separate school from HKU, it will not prepare you from advancing to HKU.

I have no comment on either PolyU UGC program or HKCC program, as each of them has its own pros and cons:

1. PolyU SPEED provides conditional admission to HKCC students with a minimum 2.8 CGPA. In that case, in the worst case scenario, this will be your safety net.

2. Most people take UGC program without hesitation due to cost and reputation.

3. They are both offered by PolyU.

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