
2015-07-17 5:44 pm
我家人於小巴上與司機爭執, 下車時司機沒有申手接錢, 所以家人就把錢掉到司機旁的平台上, 錢幣反彈彈到司機身上, 司機就報警話我家人打佢仲去驗傷添, 事實我家人無打佢, 我唔明會驗到咩傷,但差人話個銀仔反彈掂到司機我家人都算犯左普通襲擊罪, 我想請問一下, 係咁既情況之下我家人係咪真係犯左法呢? 而家司機要求賠償數千, 我想問下, 兩者相比, 如果真係堅持唔認上庭, 到時會唔會要俾更多錢呢? 會唔會上庭輸左結果又要一樣係要賠返錢俾司機呢? 而普通襲擊罪最高既判罰又係乜野呢? 我地又可唔可以告返個司機無告呢?

回答 (3)

2015-07-17 7:41 pm
✔ 最佳答案
以下內容純粹個人意見, 並不構成正式法律意見, 如需要正式法律意見, 請諮詢執業律師.

錢掉到平台上反彈到司機身上, 構唔構成意圖去傷人, 呢方面牽涉複雜的法律觀點, 無一個定律去決定, 例如當時環境情況, 掉錢的位置, 掉錢目的等, 簡單黎講, 如果掉錢去車尾而又咁岩彈到司機, 當然比掉去司機隔離咁岩彈到司機 個犯罪意圖少好多. 所以無文件在手, 呢方面無人可以準確建議.

實際黎講, 在警方角度, 有受害人指控, 警方就要做野, 而錢的確整到司機, 警方睇事實, 所以佢地角度的確可以定義為普通襲擊罪.

受害人去驗傷, 會驗到D乜? 唔一定要流血的, 傷可以係 紅、 腫、瘀、流血等唔同程度.

但係司機要求陪償數千, 呢層個人覺得非常不合理, 銀仔掟親, 無可能咁傷.

普通襲擊罪最高刑罰一年監禁, 視乎案情而定, 如果無案底, 認罪的話多數守行為或社會服務令而已, 坐監機會係有, 但似乎不大

其實, 萬事以和為貴, 掉野整到人都唔係岩晒, 但又未至於衰到要留案底咁慘. 如果有悔意, 不妨考慮下要求警方不起訴, 簽簿守行為了事, 當買個教訓, 當然大前提係事主不追究啦 ^^
參考: 可立信顧問
2015-07-18 3:33 am
1. Maybe. In order to get a conviction under Section 40 - Common Assault:


The prosecution will need to show your family member has motive to assault the driver. In this case, although he/she has done is questionable, it does not raise to the level that he/she has motive to assault.

However, the prosecution can still be able to get a conviction under Section 160 - Loitering, if the prosecution can establish the interior of a minibus is a public place:


2. Mostly yes.

There are 2 kinds of compensation - restitution from criminal court and damages from civil court. The driver is entitled both, although the court will require a offset that the driver will only get the larger one only.

But if a settlement offer is made, the driver's ability to seek further damage will be ceased for both (the court will allow the settlement to offset restitution).

3. Winning or losing this case will NOT impact the driver's ability to seek compensation.

4. 1 year in imprisonment maximum. The exact depends on the circumstance, injury, as well as the background of the defendant.

5. He/she can. The issue is will he/she.

As soon as he/she can't prove this is a make-up story, it will be difficult to prove it is a malicious prosecution.
2015-07-17 6:32 pm

普通襲擊罪,屬《侵害人身罪條例》第 40條,最高可處判監禁一年。


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