兩個英文名字, 哪個比較好?

2015-07-18 4:47 am

你們對這兩個名字有甚麼印象? THX

回答 (2)

2015-07-19 7:17 am
Anna 安娜 來源 - 希伯來 涵意: 優雅善良、愛思考、敏感、富有同情心。 易受別人影響,總是到不能再拖時才採取行動,和鼓勵你的人一起工作將獲成功。沒有目標,不喜適應變化,不能持之以恆。 Eric 艾利克 來源 - 斯堪的那維亞 涵意: ERIC(挪威)永遠的領導者,永遠的力量,是FREDERICK的簡寫。ERIC被敘述為受歡迎的斯堪的那維亞人有自信,聰明而且心地善良。 Erica 艾利克涵意:表達力強,理想主義者。為人著想,但過於關心。慷慨大方,熱愛人類。

以上 提供參考 :)

2015-07-18 10:24 am

Variant spellings and forms are given in two Common first female names.
Short forms and pet names follow the name and our impressions briefly from which they are formed are:-
ERICA:- the books, pictures etc that are intented to make somebody feel sexual desire called erotica.Erotic is showing or involving sexual desire and pleasure, intended to make somebody feel sexual desire, erotic art, an erotic fantasy.Erika; I have found it had the Scientific Discovery term used.
ERICA connected with Edna, Elaine, Eleanor, Eliza, Ella, Ellen, Emily, Emma,Eve=Evelyn etc.Eve(=two directional spellings)

ANNA:-is an elder brother,leader of a group of young people who go around together and sometimes cause trouble,;You've Annex, Anniversary, Annotate,Announcement,Annual meeting/event/report.For similiar female names are:-Ann, Anne, Anna(two directional spellings)Annabel, Annette, Audrey, Ava(two directional spellings)Angelic is briefly:-good, kind,or beautiful,; like an angel; an angelic smile which we prefer.

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