Rental property advice- does this email sound okay? Should I send it or not?

2015-07-17 2:14 am
I went and viewed the home I am very interested in today. The agent told me they were in the process of looking at another applicant, they said if the applicant was denied we could put in an application (they only do one at a time) I want to email them but not bother them.
Hello there!
This is Taylor M, we met this morning about the xxxxxxx Ave rental. I really enjoyed the property, and fell in love with it instantly when I went to see it. It s to my understanding that there is already someone interested in this rental property, and you guys are in the process of reviewing their application. I don t want to be a bother, but if they aren t approved, I would really love to know as soon as possible. I truly feel this home would be a great fit for my roommate and I. This home would be very convenient for both of us. I am a full-time college student at xxxxx College, and this home is practically a straight shot to there. Also, it s very close to 85 which would be fantastic for my roommate, for he works as a supervisor at xxxxxx Manufacturing in Charlotte. We are very motivated to get the ball rolling on this home and would love to start with the process as soon as possible. I appreciated your time today, thanks so much for giving us the possibility to move into this wonderful home.

Taylor M

(if there s anything I should change, any advice helps)

回答 (7)

2015-07-17 3:16 am
Make the message much shorter and to the point, and cut out the "loving it" part, not good for negotiation.

I would just say something like "I am very interested" just to indicate it will be worth their time.
2015-07-17 6:58 am
It is generally very good. I would make one suggestion. The landlord/agent will not care that is convenience to you two to get to work/school. What he wants is someone who has the income to afford the place. Does your part-time job qualify you? A landlord can approve one person and deny another. I would add a sentence that makes it clear that your income and your roommate 's income can easily afford the apartment and you are also confident that a background check and references on both of you will come back clear.
參考: Certified Paralegal, with 25+ years' experience, with Landlord & Tenant law experience.
2015-07-17 10:03 pm
You have asked about this situation a bunch of times now. Slow your roll & chill out. You bother them they are not going to rent to you.
2015-07-17 2:15 am
====>>tips --->>>>>
2015-07-17 2:22 pm
how pretty....assume the response will be SHOW ME THE MONEY.....instead of sending a thousand word novel, keep it to 20 words, two sentences
2015-07-17 6:58 am
sure, send it
2015-07-17 2:25 am
The emails sounds good. I'd send a credit report as well. You would need to stand out a little to him and I would choose the person that is the lowest risk on paper. If the credit is bad and you did not mention having any income, I would want a guarantor to sign the lease as well. Good luck with it!

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