Is sharp pelvic pains similar to period pains normal or worrying in early pregnancy?

2015-07-16 9:45 pm
I've taken about ten home pregnancy tests and they all have come back positive I even thought it was a fault in the test so I ran on test under water from the tap and it came back negative and all the ones with my pee came back positive, I have had any symptoms but today I've noticed occasional pelvic pain like period pain it just randomly starts and hurts quite a bit and stops it's been like that for a few weeks, I've got heavy sore boobs
Could this pain I'm experiencing be a miscarriage?

回答 (2)

2015-07-16 10:59 pm
As long as you are not bleeding and it doesn't get much worse than average period pains, you're fine. That happens to many women, uterus adjusting to something growing in there feels like that.
2015-07-16 11:09 pm
Most likely it's just normal pain. I had pretty noteworthy period-like cramps when I was pregnant.

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