
2015-07-17 6:43 am
我而家讀緊cityu engineering, 但唔係好鍾意,我想trans去樹仁social work。 但唔知讀完出來可唔可以做助理社會工作主任?但又唔知trans唔trans到cityu social work。中有冇其他方法可以做社工啊,既係助理社會工作主任。你地知唔知樹仁社工系讀完可唔可以做?仲有呢,如果degree trans 過去,洗唔洗5000留位費?如果cityu social work 收左我會唔會退返?

回答 (1)

2015-07-17 1:01 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. Yes.

2. You can apply for other accredited programs by Social Workers Registration Board.

However - please note, even completion of the program can become a social worker, some position will require a higher qualification.

3. Yes.

4. No.

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