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Save the (stock) market with strong autocratic measures.
In the Chinese Version, the use of the term "暴力" is intended to carry a negative tone. It does imply the action is strong, but perhaps "inappropriate", in the sense that it is "autocratic", rather than following the normal rules of the stock market, which is based on a "free market" model, without unnecessary government interferences.
The above is just a translation, intended to convey the meaning of the original sentence in Chinese, but not necessarily my opinion.
Regardless of whether we agree with the Chinese Government's action, in all fairness, I believe the original sentence could be more appropriately expressed as "強制式救市”, which can be translated as "Save the (stock) market with excessive government interferences".
While the event had provided a golden opportunity for the pro "autocratic- government" group to boast its effectiveness, and for the anti "autocratic-government" group to emphasize the danger of it, there is no 暴力 (violence), in the Chinese Government's action. If there is, it is in the action of those who deliberately sell short in an organized way to benefit from the collapse of the market.
2015-07-19 13:14:12 補充:
暴力 is either bad or "with bad intention", and the receiving parties are "victims". In this event most of the receiving parties not only aren't victims, they are in fact "saved".
2015-07-19 13:24:17 補充:
Any government imposing excessive interferences to the stock market will have to pay the price of losing confidence internationally, and will be condemned if such actions were deemed unnecessary. So let's judge the event according to the reaction of the Western world.
2015-07-22 11:07:41 補充:
In a true "free market", governments should not, and need not interfere. When the rich and powerful successfully manipulated the market, the "free market" is not "free" anymore, so there is ground for a government to interfere.
2015-07-22 11:25:54 補充:
Where a collapsing market can only be rescued with autocratic measures, an autocratic government will be able to take such action, to the envy of the "democratic" world. They still don't like the action, but they agree with the outcome.
2015-07-22 11:36:04 補充:
It is ironic that it takes unfair action to restore fairness, but if the unfair action is directed against those who started the unfairness in the first place, it becomes easier to accept.
2015-07-22 11:39:52 補充:
That is why the World Bank supports the Chinese Government's rescue action, and considers it "reasonable". It does seem that neither the Western World nor the Chinese Investors have lost confidence in the operation of the Chinese Stock Market, despite the autocratic measures.