If a girl: Romy, Violet, Tiany or Effie? If a boy: Preston, Lennox, Albie (Albert) ? any ideas?

2015-07-15 8:32 pm

回答 (13)

2015-07-15 9:17 pm
Violet and Preston of those you listed. You might also like Iris and Prescott. Best wishes and God bless.
2015-07-15 11:25 pm
Girl: Violet.
Boy: Lennox.
2015-07-15 10:07 pm
Violet & Preston
2015-07-15 9:57 pm
Violet. (Definitely not Romy or Tiany)

Preston (Albert with the nickname Albie is also cool, but Preston is best.)
2015-07-15 8:34 pm
Effie and Albert are brilliant! I love them.
2015-07-16 10:05 pm
Violet and preston but not a real fan
2015-07-16 1:07 am
Girl - Violet

Boy - Albert "Albie"
2015-07-15 11:09 pm
Violet or Preston
2015-07-15 10:45 pm
Violet or Preston!
2015-07-15 10:19 pm
Violet and Preston
Iris and Prescott
Tiana and Linus
2015-07-15 9:20 pm
My girl favorites are: Violet and Effie
My boy favorites are: Albert and Lennox

Girl suggestions: Hazel, Gracie, Evie, Libby, Imogen, and Pippa.
Boy suggestions: Aubrey, Ellis, Charley, Alfie.
2015-07-15 8:44 pm
I'm a teacher and taught a girl called Effie, lovely name (was also a lovely girl) I love Albie too x
2015-07-15 8:38 pm
Romy and Albert!

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