Will people know when I ve updated information on Facebook?

2015-07-15 6:41 pm
Today is my birthday and I just realized that its private on Facebook to only me. Now this is narcissistic, but I want to change who can see my birthday so that all my friends will see. I know how to do this, but my question is - if I update my info, will people see that I ve updated it? Like will it come in their timeline saying "so and so changed blah blah blah" like it does sometimes when people add a school or something. I don t want to make it obvious that I m changing the info so people can see its my birthday. Don t judge please.

回答 (1)

2015-07-15 6:55 pm
I'm not judging. Unfortunately Facebook notifies your friends of EVERYTHING you do. It'll definitely show up, but don't be ashamed of wanting to celebrate your birthday with others. Happy Birthday by the way ♡♡

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 11:56:40
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